The world has learned many a valuable lesson from Christina Aguilera. Genies must be rubbed the right way. Group showers get you dirrrty, not clean. The meaning of "under-cleavage." How much we miss Dee Snider.
And in a self sacrifice beyond measure, she also taught us why it's not a good idea to bring your evening outfit to work and change in the copy room by the paper shredder.
And in a self sacrifice beyond measure, she also taught us why it's not a good idea to bring your evening outfit to work and change in the copy room by the paper shredder.

However, some people who shall remain nameless (ahem, Gareth Pugh!) were absent that day.

Then again, maybe the model got flustered and put the boots on first.

(On a completely unrelated topic, the NYC Halloween Fetish Ball will be Sat 10/27 at Paddles)
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