"At last, the world is mine! Lord Boskeletox--careless amatuer. With my Chantilly Lace and my Mr. Sandman, I, the mighty Jukeboxia, will have the Earth under my push-button control! From the reformed hair hoppers to the ironic dirty hipsters, all will bow down before my A-side selection, and when I wish it, they will offer me their shoes, contort their bodies and scream in terror! See how they twist and shout! Dance, you fools. DANCE! Ha! No one can stop me. I'm the leader of the pack! It's my party!"

"But wait... the Flying Guitarra approaches, how delightful. Trying to be a jukebox hero, eh? Too bad she's all out of credits!"
Who in their right mind designed this?
Ooh, the many doors the Piano Key Neck Tie has opened...
Check it out -- I finally picked out a new guitar. It's a pink Fender '77 Strat with silver wings.
I know you're not supposed to purchase an instrument without playing it first, but one look at this axe and I had to have it. I especially like how the action goes all the way down to the bridge. The headstock's a little weird, but whatever -- it's the Body that counts, right?
-The ex-2nd cousin twice removed, but keeps coming back
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