Wednesday, October 20, 2010

a scandalous baking adventure

True story:

Last month HF was recovering from Paris fashion mania with a brief stopover in the English countryside, when we learned that our visit was to coincide with a time-honored village tradition... the Shoreham Horticultural & Allotment Garden (SHAG) Society show. A SHAG show! At last, the opportunity to re-enact Helen Mirren's acceptance speech from Calendar Girls!

Much to our delight, HF's very talented sister was poised to enter no less than fifteen categories. Fancy breads! Stone fruit jams! Heaviest pumpkin! Sausage rolls!

HF was charged with the task of handling the cheesecake entry. So we did what any self respecting New Yorker would do. We harassed the best cheesecake baker we knew for a recipe. The problem: the recipe called for a ten-inch pan. We had only a seven-inch.

Sacrebleu! So much cheesecake filling! What was a baking apprentice to do? Why, make more cheesecakes of course! We filled a pie pan, an oblong baking dish, any vessel that would hold wafer crumble crust and chocolate cheesey goodness!

But wait, there's more. The show piece cooled with a very large crack on top. Great Jeremy Scott! A crack! Good thing we had all those extra cakes! We performed a delicate surgical graft, transplanting a sliver from one of the back-up cakes to patch the surface of the money maker.

Which is how we ended up with this thing that looks rather like a vagina.

Now, Marchesa, what's your excuse?

Marchesa S/S 11

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